In 2013 both the WA College of Agriculture – Morawa and the Morawa District High School became Independent Public Schools. Whilst still remaining part of the public school system this initiative hands greater autonomy and flexibility to the school Principal in collaboration with their school community.
The College and the District High School are independent of each other but together they form a cluster, both have their own Boards that are elected by staff.
The Boards have very clearly defined roles and responsibilities , as set by the Department of Education;
They liaise with other communities with the school e.g. the Parents and Citizens Association;
They hold an annual public meeting once in every calendar year that is open to the public;
They help establish and review, the schools objectives, priorities and general policy directions;
They assist in planning the financial arrangements necessary to fund those objectives, priorities and directions;
They also evaluate the school’s performance in achieving those objectives, priorities and directions; and formulating codes of conduct for students at the school;
The Board take part in the selection of, but not the appointment of, the school Principal or any other member of the teaching staff if prior approval is given by the Regional Executive Director.
Dee Mckeown – (Community Representative)
Clint Hansen (Community/Industry Representative)
Shaun Branley (Parent Representative)
Luke Aubrey (Parent Representative)
Dave Oneill (Staff Representative)
Jamie Appleton (Community Representative)
Dean Carslake (Principal)
Margaret Hogben(Corporate Services Manager)
Maryanne Milloy-Rakich (IPS Assistant)
Steve Taylor (Residential Manager)
All Board members can be contacted through the front office on 99714600.
We now have available on line IPS Board minutes for 2016, if you would like to read minutes prior to that please contact the College directly.
No meeting March due to COVID